DLM Law is one of the few Italian law firms working on a daily basis for Hungarian clients in Italy and Italian clients in Hungary.

The professionals of the HUNGARIAN Desk speak fluent Hungarian, have a profound knowledge of the cultural background of the two countries and more than a decade of experience both in accompanying Italian companies

wishing to extend the scope of their activities to the Hungarian market, even establishing a direct presence there, and in assisting Hungarian companies and citizens in their investments in Italy.

Our assistance includes:

- acquisitions, sales, conversions and management of real estate;
- real estate, construction, urban planning and real estate litigation;
- enforcement procedures and real estate auctions;
- incorporation and management of real estate companies;
- translations and authentications of official documents;

The Hungarian Desk's reference professional is Dr. Balazs Varga who, in addition to being a qualified translator and interpreter in the Hungarian language, is the President of the "Hungary Italy" Association, which deals with the promotion of commercial and cultural relations between the two countries

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